(April 16, 2024)
Gemini Zodiac Sign for Tuesday
Gemini Horoscope for Tuesday |
Personal: Watch what you say in relationships because everything you say will be used against you. Don't give your partner ammunition; don't say anything that could be used against you.
Career: Gemini's dual nature is on full display today as Mercury goes direct in Pisces; you want to communicate, but you also feel the need to keep your cards close to your chest and be more selective about what you say and to whom.
Health: Dreams may keep you awake at night, and sleep can be restless; it is often difficult to stop certain themes from repeating themselves in your head; avoid alcohol tonight because it can exacerbate mental turmoil.
Travel: Going to a convention is preferred.
Emotions: This period is characterized by waves of self-doubt, and you may want to throw in the towel at times, thinking, "I just cannot do this!" You will, however, be astounded by your fortitude and ability to cope.